Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000279_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Fri Nov 28 14:50:12 1997.msg
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From: Andy Gibson <andy@agasinc.demon.co.uk>
To: Amos List <amos-list@access.digex.net>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 20:40:00 -0000
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: AGAS Productions
Subject: Re: GUI + Iconify
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Status: O
On Wednesday 26-Nov-97 at 21:23:26, a nutter named Alastair Murray
had wet pants when they typed about `GUI + Iconify'.
>As I said a bit ago...
>I had problems with the Easylife iconify command so I used the GUI
>extension to make my own iconification.
>However whereas before if I iconified an AMOS program, I could run
>another, quit it and then return to the original, using the GUI
>extension I can't run another AMOS program....
>Is there a solution to this?
It is a well known fact that two Amos compiled jobbies won't run
together at the same time, but, yes there is a solution. Code in Blitz
instead :)
Jesting of course....
I have a util here which patches compiled jobbies to allow them to run
together (as many as you want i think, as long as you patch each one).
I think it's called Amos Patch or summot! I think Mush has it and
Aminet too. If you have any trouble getting hold of it, email me
privately and I'll attach it for ya m8 :)
Hope this has been of some help?
cya, Andy Gibson
___________________________________ ________________________________
| _ _ | |
| (-)/\//_)\/ AGAS Productions | #cONTACT mE fOR mORE iNFO# |
| Gibson_/ 9T7 | #oN aREA51 rELEASES aLSO!# |
| | |
| andy@agasinc.demon.co.uk | cOMING sOON'ish |
| | *Roswell Gfx Adv* |
| -=<(aka SKiDZ/A51)>=- | 9T8 |